"Redemption?! HA!"
The daughter of a once proud hero, Lady Aine was once the apple of her
mother's eyes. However, Caitlin wasn't home very often then.... which
left the oldest of her children open to the corruption from an old 5th
column enemy of the family from this universe. She was subjected to the
process that should have turned her into one of the Vampyri... and it
did not take as well as it should have.
The result was named Childe, and dumped off in one of that villainous
group's labs. There, she stayed until she was apprehended in a Hero raid
during the time when the 5th column was in a civil war with the Council.
The judge at her trial cut her no favors (even with the excellent
defense offered by Angus Lockhart), and sent her to the Brick.
In the person where Lady Aine once walked, Childe now paces, determined
to gain both vengeance, and a bit of profit along the way... |